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Awards of Bharath School
- Founder Correspondent’s Cash Award: This is awarded to the topper in std. XII Board Examination.
- Kesar Chander’s Award: This is awarded to the topper in std. X Board Examination.
- G. Subramanian’s cash awards for Music
- Best singer – Primary Level
- Best singer – Middle Level
- Best singer – High School Level
- Best singer – Senior School Level
- Swarnam Memorial Cash Award: This award is instituted by Mrs. Swarnam for the school second in std. X.
- Sivasundar Senior Teacher Award: This award is given to the Senior Teacher of the year.
- S.S. Radhakrishnan family Cash Awards: These are awarded to the topper in std. X and Toppers in Physics & Informatics practices in std. XII.
- Nagappan Cash Award: This award is given to the topper in Mathematics in std. XII.
- Yesuratinam Cash Award for Classical Dance: This award is given for the classical dancer of the year.
- Sri V.J.K. Dass Memorial Rolling Trophy and Cup: This award is given for the school topper in std. XII.
- Elsa Benjamin Memorial Cup: This award is given to the topper in Biology in std. XII.
- Principal’s Rolling Trophy and Cup: This award is given to the topper in Infomatics Practices in std. XII.
- Vimala Shanmugam’s Trophy for Scout & Guide Instituted by Prof. N. Shanmugam: This award is given for the best scout & Guide of the year.
- Leela Wilson Cash Award: This award is given to two best students of KG Department.
- P. Savithri Lochan’s Award: This award is given for the topper in Economics in Std. XII.
- ‘VISTAS’ Endowment Award Instituted by Dr. Ishari K. Ganesh : This award is given for the best students in Std. XII in Academics, Sports and Culturals.